Wednesday, May 12, 2010

poems to me

To me writing poems is the only way to express myself to everyone. The poems I write may not mean anything to you but in each one of my poems there is an encuragement in myself when

I read my poems. I dont know why I am encouraged when I read my poems, maybe it is because when I read my own poems I get excited because those poems in my hand are mine, something of mine that nobody could ever take away from me. My poems are my life they are the things I relie on when I am in need. Sometimes I share my poems to people, and sometimes I keep them locked up. When I am not writing I am nothing at all. I think Gods purpose for me was to write poems to encourage people.

I have been blessed to be able to send my poems into the publishing company, but I was rejected well at least my poems were rejected. After that I dropped my pen and paper and didnt pick them up to write poems for about 1 month. During the month of me not writting poems I realized that I will be turned down, I will be rejected many times in my life but I shouldn't give up everytime I fail. Now that I have Started writting again I have written more poems than I can count. The poems on my blog are just a few of my best ones. If you would like to see more please leave a comment on my blog and I will post more on.

Many people could just look at me and think no other than an ordinary girl. But I am not I am not just your average girl I am someone with a mixed up life. My life is non like yours, and to express my life I write poems. Sometimes my poems are happy each one somehow helps me get through the day. like for example the poem called SUMMER: to me when I read this poem I think of all the good and wonderful things about summer, when instead of always thinking oh summer is the worst it is the time that mom can trap me into doing chores. I can think of many good things about summer can you? If you can I would love to hear what you think about summer.
How do I write a poem? Does it just come to me? What should I write about? Okay now you can stop asking all the questions and you can have awnsers. To write a poem, all you have to do is make a list of everything you can think of and then off to the side find ryhming words and write them next to each word. Yes poems can just pop in your head but not usually. If you dont know what to write about then just write everything you see or how you feel inside.
If you have any questions on writting poems I am the girl to ask. If you need help writting a poem I am the girl to ask. If you need ideas I can help. Here is a tip that always helps me. If you ever lose your train of thought, just sit down and jott down all that you can think of on paper. My favorite thing to do is write write write. poems are my life.


thelittlegreenschoolroom said...

Hayli, I love this post! You obviously are a teen who has a lot on her mind. Writing is a wonderful way to express yourself. I hope you will put all of your poems in a book someday!
Great job!
~Mrs. A