Tuesday, May 18, 2010

highs and lows

One of my highs this year was meeting new people, I was new this year and my only thought was nobody will ever talk to me. I never wanted to come to NBCA. My mom was going to make me come to NBCA in my 9Th grade year. Except we had difficulties with comal ISD, because I live in New Braunfels ISD district area. I cant go back to NB ISD, I cant face the rumors that I had left there. Now that I have come to NBCA I have met some amazing people and made some amazing new friends. I wish I had come to NBCA a long time ago.

One of my lows this year was my grades, my grades have been horrible. My grades should belong in the garbage if you know what I mean. I have really been working hard to bring them up, but every time I start to get my grades up the always some how go down in a heart beat. This year grades have been a struggle for me. I understand the material but I am always forgetful. I just wish that I could start all over and get all A's through the whole year. This was one of the worst grades this year.

Another one of my highs this year was being in Band. I have learned so much about the french horn. The french horn is the hardest brass instrument ever made. When I play on the french horn my mouth hurts so bad. Probably because I have braces. The best thing about Band is the Band Concerts. Band Concerts are so fun to go to. It is when all you and your friends get together and show people our talent.

One of my lows this year was no participating in all of the sports I can. This year I had told myself that all the sports I could do this year I would do them. I only did one sport this year and that was Basketball. I loved playing Basketball, because well it was the only sport I got to experience. I just wish I could have done all the sports. These are the sports I could have done: Volleyball, Track. Well next year I will do these sports.

One of my highs this year was staying out of the drama as much as I could. There was so much of it this year I think my ears will burst if I hear anymore. Drama was mostly in 7Th and 6Th grade this year. Hopefully next year it will be better. Drama has hurt allot of people including me. I don't like drama and neither does anyone else so whoever likes to stir up drama find a new hobby because all you are doing is hurt yourself and others. Drama comes from people who don't have anything better to do, so they decide it is okay to hurt people.

One of my lows this year was getting into the rumors. People thought it was okay to spread nasty rumors about me, it hurt me allot. What they didn't know was that I have had to leave schools because of rumors before. The people who started them are not to be named they know who they are and so do I. If you have something to say about someone then tell them not your friends. The people who do spread rumors don't have anything better to do. The people that are spreading rumors as of right now are only hurting themselves and their friends.
One of my lows is people blame me and accuse me of many things they know nothing about. I have had about enough of it, the people who have accused me of something know nothing about me or what is going on in my life. I don't like to be mean but if you are going to accuse anyone then you better darn right know what you talking about. It bugs me to death when people accuse people, and to think they don't know what they are accusing about and what the accused is going through. All I have left to say is watch you words and actions. And that's is it.

One of my highs this year was meeting Mrs. Anzures. She is an amazing teacher. Ever since she has been my Grammar teacher I have written more and more stories than ever. I love Mrs. A to death she is the BEST! I am sad to hear she is not coming back. But we will get to have another teacher and I bet she will be awesome too. Probably not as awesome as Mrs. A though.