Thursday, May 27, 2010

my great friend

my great friend is so nice, sweet and sincere, my friend is caring, thoughtful, and awesome, my freind is curios when I am sad, and happy when I am happy my friend remains annonomous, for their sake and mine, If I am allowed to tell i will share, with you the friend that is always there for me..............

Monday, May 24, 2010

blog posts

I have commented on these people's blog:

Emma Heimer
Aaron & Miles
Lauren Vanwisyik
Ashley Brown
Arthur & Alec

Friday, May 21, 2010

Listen to music

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

these poems on my blog are not and have not been written for anyone at NBCA.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hey everyone I have written more poems I am sorry I havent had the time to post all of them, hopefuly by monday I will have all of them up. Thanks everyone who left encourageing comments you guys are the reason I share my poems. I am especially happy to know that one of my poems has touched someones heart and made them realize what life was all about.

THANKS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

highs and lows

One of my highs this year was meeting new people, I was new this year and my only thought was nobody will ever talk to me. I never wanted to come to NBCA. My mom was going to make me come to NBCA in my 9Th grade year. Except we had difficulties with comal ISD, because I live in New Braunfels ISD district area. I cant go back to NB ISD, I cant face the rumors that I had left there. Now that I have come to NBCA I have met some amazing people and made some amazing new friends. I wish I had come to NBCA a long time ago.

One of my lows this year was my grades, my grades have been horrible. My grades should belong in the garbage if you know what I mean. I have really been working hard to bring them up, but every time I start to get my grades up the always some how go down in a heart beat. This year grades have been a struggle for me. I understand the material but I am always forgetful. I just wish that I could start all over and get all A's through the whole year. This was one of the worst grades this year.

Another one of my highs this year was being in Band. I have learned so much about the french horn. The french horn is the hardest brass instrument ever made. When I play on the french horn my mouth hurts so bad. Probably because I have braces. The best thing about Band is the Band Concerts. Band Concerts are so fun to go to. It is when all you and your friends get together and show people our talent.

One of my lows this year was no participating in all of the sports I can. This year I had told myself that all the sports I could do this year I would do them. I only did one sport this year and that was Basketball. I loved playing Basketball, because well it was the only sport I got to experience. I just wish I could have done all the sports. These are the sports I could have done: Volleyball, Track. Well next year I will do these sports.

One of my highs this year was staying out of the drama as much as I could. There was so much of it this year I think my ears will burst if I hear anymore. Drama was mostly in 7Th and 6Th grade this year. Hopefully next year it will be better. Drama has hurt allot of people including me. I don't like drama and neither does anyone else so whoever likes to stir up drama find a new hobby because all you are doing is hurt yourself and others. Drama comes from people who don't have anything better to do, so they decide it is okay to hurt people.

One of my lows this year was getting into the rumors. People thought it was okay to spread nasty rumors about me, it hurt me allot. What they didn't know was that I have had to leave schools because of rumors before. The people who started them are not to be named they know who they are and so do I. If you have something to say about someone then tell them not your friends. The people who do spread rumors don't have anything better to do. The people that are spreading rumors as of right now are only hurting themselves and their friends.
One of my lows is people blame me and accuse me of many things they know nothing about. I have had about enough of it, the people who have accused me of something know nothing about me or what is going on in my life. I don't like to be mean but if you are going to accuse anyone then you better darn right know what you talking about. It bugs me to death when people accuse people, and to think they don't know what they are accusing about and what the accused is going through. All I have left to say is watch you words and actions. And that's is it.

One of my highs this year was meeting Mrs. Anzures. She is an amazing teacher. Ever since she has been my Grammar teacher I have written more and more stories than ever. I love Mrs. A to death she is the BEST! I am sad to hear she is not coming back. But we will get to have another teacher and I bet she will be awesome too. Probably not as awesome as Mrs. A though.

Monday, May 17, 2010

my friend

when I am down

you never let frown

when something is wrong
you fix it like an unfinished song

when people talk about you or me
we stick together just you and me

every day I thank the Lord
for giving me a friend like you
someone to heal me when I am sore

And when you are in pain or just need a friend
I am right next to you until the end

you helped me get through the year
without sheding a tear

the rumors the gossip you tell me to ignore
you tell me this so I am not sore.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Final assignment

Since I have started this blog, I have written more of my poems than ever. I have enjoyed making this blog and I am looking forward to posting more of more of my poems as I write more.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

  1. Miles, Aaron, Mia, Hannah, Audrey, Michael, and Katelyn have pictures of themselves on their blogs.
  2. Kristin wrote "I am working towards a better walk with God and trusting Him will help me to trust others again too," on her blog
  3. Hannah learned contemporary dance this year.
  4. Shelby wrote "To live this life I need a heartbeat. To have a heartbeat I need a heart. To have heart I need happiness. To have happiness I need you."
  5. There is eight polls that have been posted. The One that asks which is my favorite color is my favorite poll

poems to me

To me writing poems is the only way to express myself to everyone. The poems I write may not mean anything to you but in each one of my poems there is an encuragement in myself when

I read my poems. I dont know why I am encouraged when I read my poems, maybe it is because when I read my own poems I get excited because those poems in my hand are mine, something of mine that nobody could ever take away from me. My poems are my life they are the things I relie on when I am in need. Sometimes I share my poems to people, and sometimes I keep them locked up. When I am not writing I am nothing at all. I think Gods purpose for me was to write poems to encourage people.

I have been blessed to be able to send my poems into the publishing company, but I was rejected well at least my poems were rejected. After that I dropped my pen and paper and didnt pick them up to write poems for about 1 month. During the month of me not writting poems I realized that I will be turned down, I will be rejected many times in my life but I shouldn't give up everytime I fail. Now that I have Started writting again I have written more poems than I can count. The poems on my blog are just a few of my best ones. If you would like to see more please leave a comment on my blog and I will post more on.

Many people could just look at me and think no other than an ordinary girl. But I am not I am not just your average girl I am someone with a mixed up life. My life is non like yours, and to express my life I write poems. Sometimes my poems are happy each one somehow helps me get through the day. like for example the poem called SUMMER: to me when I read this poem I think of all the good and wonderful things about summer, when instead of always thinking oh summer is the worst it is the time that mom can trap me into doing chores. I can think of many good things about summer can you? If you can I would love to hear what you think about summer.
How do I write a poem? Does it just come to me? What should I write about? Okay now you can stop asking all the questions and you can have awnsers. To write a poem, all you have to do is make a list of everything you can think of and then off to the side find ryhming words and write them next to each word. Yes poems can just pop in your head but not usually. If you dont know what to write about then just write everything you see or how you feel inside.
If you have any questions on writting poems I am the girl to ask. If you need help writting a poem I am the girl to ask. If you need ideas I can help. Here is a tip that always helps me. If you ever lose your train of thought, just sit down and jott down all that you can think of on paper. My favorite thing to do is write write write. poems are my life.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

  1. Annamarie has a Beatles blog header.
  2. Helena Anzures wrote about influences.
  3. Audrey, and Mrs. Anzures Hannah Head have a summer countdown clock.
  4. Hunter Glazener says that he is going to own Roger Nunez, but Roger says he will own Hunter.
  5. Michael Page has been to Cancun.
  6. Ben Snoga has a cousin who plays in the NFL.
  7. Arthur is flyguy899.
  8. There are two blog pages with PacMan available.
  9. Stephen and Annamarie have movie trailers.
  10. Katelyn's blog has the title that is a "The Sound Of Music" song.
  11. The NBCA Middle School Band has played that.
  12. Helena Anzures wrote "You don't forgive people because you are weak, you forgive people because you are strong enough to know how to."
  13. Frederick is Hannah Heads Turtle.
  14. Mrs. Anzures wrote "Make Your Words Come To Life With Vivid Description,"
  15. Chancho is Gracen bass's pet llama
  16. The Beatles band or artist pops up most on the 500 most popular albums and songs list
  17. Red green, blue, and pink are the colors of the pentongram
  18. Meagan Edge is going to cheer leading camp
  19. There are nine and counting.
  20. Pinky the pig and Fishies want to be fed

Monday, May 10, 2010


sunny days, starry nights
summer has begun
down at the beach
childrean in the sand
I hope I get a sun tan
summer is short it goes by fast
dang I am late for my next class


School can be exciting
School can be boring
School can be intresting
But thats a whole new story

heavens poem

What we dream
What we know
Is heaven the right place for me to go
What I see
What I hear
I know Jesus will be there

people look away

as people sit around
they never seem to frown

as people come to play
they never go away

when people say things like hey
i just look away

on my first day
i looked away.


1. Whose blog has a Beatles header?

2. Who wrote about influences?

3. Who has a summer count down clock posted on their blog? Hint: There's more than one.

4. Who is going to own who on the basketball court?

5. Who has been to Cancun?

6. Who has a cousin that plays in the NFL?

7. Who is flyguy899?

8. How many blog pages have PacMan available to play?

9. Who has movie trailers available for viewing at the click of a the mouse?

10. Whose blog title is a "Sound of Music" song?

11. Who has played "Jazz Band Jubilee" this school year?

12. Who wrote in a blog post, "You don't forgive people because you are weak, you forgive people because you are strong enough to know how to."

13. Frederick is...?

14. Who wrote, "Make Your Words Come To Life With Vivid Description," on their blog?

15. Who is Chancho?

16. Which band or artist pops up most on the 500 most popular albums and songs list?

17. What colors are the pentagram?

18. Who's going to cheerleading camp this summer?

19. How many blogs have Justin Bieber playing on their playlist?

20. Pickles Gone Wild wants you to feed what?

anne's adventure

Anne was walking through the woods at the time of when she had promised her mother she would be home. Anne tried to find her way out of the woods but she couldnt remember which way to go. As the sky grew darker and darker leaving the woods a plain black glob anne sat down and rested her head against a tree. After awhile anne finally realized that the tree she was resting up against was a sap tree. Now her hair was all gross and sticky. Now anne was tired and she wished she would have never even come into the woods. Anne looked up with tears running down her face, she had heard foot steps coming toward her.

Anne got up and started walking toward the sounds from someone. As anne came closer and closer she could see someone in a yellow rain coat, and whoever it was, was wearing a mask. Anne was scared, she had these thought going through her head: what if this person is a murderer, will this guy kill me, what will mom say when i am not home. As the guy got closer she could see he was in a costum, and then anne soon remembered that today was halloween. Anne calmed down a little bit, now she knows that there isnt a bigger chance of being killed tonight than there was earlier. The time was probly around mid night when anne had heard more voices coming towards her. except this time the people coming towards her were POLICE men. Oh my gosh! the police they are coming. I wonder if they are coming to look for me.
As a matter of fact the police were looking for anne. Her mom had sent the whole town out to look for anne. Anne was so happy to see her mom, she ran right to her and hugged her tightly. Anne said that she didnt mean to be late, but she went on a walk in the woods and when it came time to turn back and go home she forgot which way to go. Her mom didnt care what she was doing anymore, all she cared about was seeing her daughter safe and sound. When anne got home she ran right to her father and apologized for being gone, and the all sat down and ate dinner together. Anne told her mom that she would never go back into the woods.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

First Writing Assignment

My name is hayli and here are some things you might like to know about me, the things I like are playing the french horn, I like sports alot and I my favorite animal is either a horse or dogs. Right now I am in grammer class posting on this blog about me. Later I want to go to band and play my instrument. the thing that most bugs me is when people are always gossiping about people in a mean way. the thing that most thrills me is roller coasters, I like the way my stomach flips and flops while the coaster is going up and down and all around. I think it is really cool that when people talk bad about me I usually dont let it get to me. My favorite subject is grammer, because i like to write and exspress myself through words.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

my first poems

down in deep
no one to speak

rain splashing down
going boom boom pow

school is a mess
full of bad stress

to get through the day
i sit down and pray.......